May 27, 2013

How to find a perfect boyfriend/girlfriend

When I was in high school, I had this one friend. Let's call her Melissa.

Melissa had been the kind of girl who believed in fairy tales. She believed with all her heart that one day, a prince on a white horse would come and pick her up. The sun would set and they would ride towards it, embracing their new life. A happily ever after life.

6 years later, here I am. Holding her wedding invitation (spoiler: she is a year older than me. She is 22 and is getting married next month). The guy -- which I had known quite close that I can call him an acquaintance yet not close enough that I would call him a friend -- isn't exactly who I would describe as a prince on a white horse. He is nice, he is smart (from his nerdy looks), and he would probably make a good daddy.

Melissa's life is probably quite far from the 'happily ever after life' that she had imagined 6 years ago, but it would be a happy one nonetheless.

I have been wondering since then whether or not it is possible to find a perfect partner. Deep inside, I knew that it was impossible, yet I was still clawing towards the possibility of finding a perfect partner.

A few months went by and I talked to my doppelganger (you know who you are!), and she showed me how to find a perfect partner. So, how do you find yourself a perfect boyfriend/girlfriend?

You don't.

A guy who is patient is the same guy who works as slow as a turtle

A girl who is nice to you is the same girl who is nice to everyone.

A guy who works hard is the same guy who never has any time for his family.

A girl who wears glamour dresses and perfect makeup is the same girl who spends money like it's coming out of her ass.

See? Human is just a set of habits that contradict each other. The only perfect people in this world come in boxes. So if you want a perfect partner, you would have to look for either a Barbie or a Ken.

In the end, there is no such thing as a perfect person. Everyone is going to hurt you, you just got to find the ones worth suffering for.


  1. cool stuff! hahaha.

    a great point of view.

  2. i always think that there is no such thing called 'perfect' and so I figured out myself that there is such thing as 'to feel perfect' :)

  3. Kakak.... kalo naik motor spion-nya dicabut aja ya. belajar move on, jangan tengok ke belakang mulu. Jiakakakakaka


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