November 2, 2012

Love is just a four-letter-word.

Which by the way, so are 'shit' and 'hate.'

I am no expert in love. In fact, I broke up with my first girlfriend like four years ago, and the last time I actually experienced this so-called 'love' was three years ago. This was the last time I wondered what she was doing before I slept. Or wondered whether or not she had eaten while I was eating. Or wondered whether she had been wondering about me or not. During that month my cellphone bill went up to $104.71. Ugh.

I spent the last three years of my life not giving a damn about love. Convincing myself that I was strong enough to walk without a partner. Strong enough to ride this rollercoaster without someone next to me. But who am I kidding? I need someone. I need someone to talk to during the low point of my life. Someone who would hug me and tell me that everything would be alright despite us both knowing that it wouldn't. Someone to hold hand with so I would have someone to hold on to if I fell.
"I wonder why you still don't have a girlfriend," she said as we were walking ever so slowly behind our group of friends. 
"I wonder..." I said without even throwing a glance at her. 
"I mean, look at them." She threw her hands up front, pointing to everyone in front of us but noone in particular. "You are quite handsome. You are smart. You are pretty rich. You are funny. Compared to these guys, you are completely in another level." 
'I'm not rich, my dad is. I'm not smart, I just know how to look smart. I'm not handsome, one of my friends actually told me that I look ridiculous. I'm not funny, I'm just sarcastically mean and you guys think that I'm actually being funny,' was something I would have said, but I held my tongue and uttered a 'thank you' instead.
I was honestly wondering when I said 'I wonder...' And I kept wondering why for the next week or so when one of my friends said to me, "the day you understand that a perfect person doesn't exist, is the day that you'll get yourself a girlfriend."

I had always thought of love as something beautiful. Something fragile. Something that you needed to hide and put in a safe box in order to not accidentally drop and break it. Something that 'felt so right' at the very moment you laid your eyes on it. Something like a Cinderella's glass shoe, I would guess. Then it occurred to me that love is nothing like a Cinderella's glass shoe.

Love is so much more like a pair of sweat pants. The kind of pants that Hulk wears. The kind that always seems like it's too small but in the end it would stretch and fit no matter how much Hulk grows. It's anything but fragile, you could put it into a washing machine and it would be just fine. And the best thing is that it's comfortable. Ever since I first read the story of Cinderella, I had always wondered how uncomfortable it must have been to wear glass shoes. One wrong step and they would break. Ew.

Love is not about finding the perfect person that would fit for us. Love is about finding and being the right person that would fit into each other.

Love is just a four-letter-word. There is no exact way to define what love is, each person has their own definition of love. It just so happens that my definition of love is a pair of sweat pants. What's your definition of this so called four-letter-word?


  1. Replies
    1. thank you ! this kind of comment really pushes me to keep on writing :D

  2. You don't know me in real world, but if I'm allowed to I'd like to say that love for me is sacrifice. :)

    1. Thank you so much for reading my blog and your feedback :) and yes, love, to some extent, is a sacrifice. I agree.

  3. Replies
    1. Lita you have a blogger account? O.o

    2. omg i didnt realize it was you... vanilla strawberry cake. ohkay

  4. I like this story......i think its happened with many people in this world...but every people is different especially to face their problems....i like this story which is itsnot only a word typed....but it has a keep up ur spirit to inspire the other :-) Gb.....n_vi


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