April 27, 2012

My finals week's rant

There are two things that I'm really sure of. One is the fact that I am hungry right now, and two is the fact that I really am supposed to be studying now instead of writing this and playing games.

Anyway, it's three days away from finals week here in Purdue. And I haven't even touched my book. I really think I'm supposed to be nervous or whatever. And I am. Sometimes I get really nervous. But then I realize I'm an Asian and I'm okay again. 

You guys tell me that's arrogant? Americans can stereotype about Asians and we are not allowed to make fun of ourselves? Whatever.

Anyway. I wish you guys had a fun semester and good luck with your coming finals! We are only one week left away from freedom!

Here, have a virtual Red Bull.

April 20, 2012

An open letter to my future wife

Hi, hi? Hi. Did I get your attention now? As creepy as it might sound, I am your husband. Not the one currently drinking coffee and reading a newspaper beside you. I'm the younger version of him. I don't know how he actually looks like. But if I have to guess, probably: he has the same fat belly as I do; the same charming smile as I do (ha, yeah I wish), and the same love for Dr. Pepper as I do. Basically, I'm like him, but I have more hair than him. I guess.


Maria, this letter is written for you. By the younger version of your husband. Heck, I don't even know if your name is really Maria. Or whether we have actually met. Your name could very well be Jennifer. Or Sasha. Or Taylor. Or Jennifer. Or Maria. The point is: if you're married to a guy whose name is Kent and he is somewhat crazy, chances are this letter is written for you. And to make it simple, I would like to address you as Maria. But that would make me look like I'm dating Maria now. And I swear I'm not. So I'll just call you 'wife'. I know it's lame, but whatever.

So yeah. Dear wife, do we have kids? Huh? We have one son and one daughter? I don't know what kind of a woman you are that you could budge me to having kids. I don't like kids. Really. So yeah, the fact that we have kids is really weird to me. I guess you want kids, my ego doesn't. And I love you more than I do my ego.

Also, do we have a cat? No? We have a dog instead? Well,  I have always imagined you (wife) as a dog person. 90% of the girls hate cats anyway, so I won't really be surprised if you like dogs. But, to be honest with you, I like cats. I don't have anything against dogs, but I like cats more than I like dogs. I think they are cute and arguably smarter than dogs. And you probably told my future self that if he got a cat, he would have to take care of it himself, and being a lazy person that he is, he doesn't bother with it. Would you please consider getting us a cat, please? It would make my future self much happier. Thanks.

Being my wife and all, I would say that you have already read my blog. But since you're like 5-10 years ahead of me, I will assume you haven't read everything. You see, I'm an astute believer that to get a happily ever after, someone has to NOT take their partner for granted. And that's why sometimes I will ignore you. Or go somewhere else without telling you where I go. Or have a night with some of my friends without inviting you. Basically everything that would make you not take me for granted. I know it's weird, but that's what I believe in.

Also, when it comes to stuff that matter to me, I am picky. As fuck. Which is why I have only been once in a relationship (or maybe I'm just a guy who has no idea how to make girls like me. Which is a far more likely reason as to why I have only been once in a relationship). Anyway. The fact that I am married to you definitely shows you're unlike the other girls I met so far (I would go as far and say that you're probably one in a million, but with Earth population right now, that means there are 7,000 other people who are identical to you. So I don't think it's really that impressive). Which means that it will be super hard for me to find another you. Basically what I'm trying to say is: I won't cheat on you. And I will love you forever until the day you die (which means if I don't love you anymore, I can just kill you*).

P.S: Everytime you feel like my future self doesn't show you enough love, show him this letter. And all should be fine.

*You know I'm just kidding, right?

April 19, 2012

How to get your personal happily ever after

“I do,” you say.

“Amen,” the pastor opens his eyes and makes a crossing gesture across his head, stomach, and shoulders. “You may now kiss the bride.”

As you lift up the veil, you see a girl, smiling. The girl that you think was made for you. The girl that you will spend the rest of your days with. Your 'happily ever after' girl of your dream. You look around to catch a glimpse of her dad giving you the approving thumbs-up. Apart from you in a tux and she in her wedding dress, the kiss feels a lot like your everyday kiss with her.

“I will love you forever,” she says as she breaks away from the kiss.
“I will love you forever, too,” you pull her back in for more kisses.

You naively think that your 'happily ever after' starts now.

All of a sudden, you wake up to a girl, only to realize that you will wake up to the same girl for the next 50 years. And during the first year, you start seeing whatever it is in her that you didn't see in her before.

Oh my God. She doesn't shave her legs in winter.
Oh my God. She pours the milk before cereal.
Oh my God. She doesn't like Dr. Pepper.
Oh my God. She doesn't like Paramore.
Oh my God. I have to keep the knives away from her during her PMS.
Oh my God...

By each passing year, she gets considerably worse. From “doesn't shave in winter” to “doesn't shave." From “doesn't like” to “hate." From “still somewhat tolerable” to “intolerable." What you thought would be 'happily ever after' turns out to be a simple 'happily a year after.'
Things that you thought you could live with. But really, who are you kidding? Those are the things that you know very well you can't live with. Your dream girl turned out to be a lot like your sister (oh God, I hope my sisters are not reading this. If you are reading this, I'm just kidding of course, I love you two so much), and you like her less by each passing day. Your memory flashed back to a year ago when you kissed her. I will love you forever, too. And deep down inside, you start wondering how long forever lasts.
I'm sorry for bursting your bubbles, but let's face it. Happily ever after doesn't exist. It only existed in once upon a time. There are always problems with relationships. Really. Even deciding where to eat sometimes turns out to be problematic (this is coming from a 20 year old guy who has only been once in a relationship, so don't take this too seriously).

The problem with most relationships is that we start taking our partner for granted. Instead of appreciating them, we ignore them. We think of them as our own family; and in the same way you wouldn't try to keep your sister as your sister, you don't go out of your way to keep your partner as your partner. You take them for granted. And nothing could be worse than that.

If you're in a relationship and you feel like you're starting to take them for granted, just think back to the time when you first met them. When you first talked to them. When you got their first text. When you gave up your sleeping time just to simply talk with them. When you pause your game to reply their texts. When you refused going to a party simply to spend more time with them. When spending time shopping with them sounds way better than sleeping. When watching Twilight suddenly doesn't sound so bad if you do it with them.

Quoting my review on 'Stupid and Contagious', here is what Heaven Albright thinks about love:

“Love is pretty much a decision anyway. Just like happiness. You can decide to either love someone or not, be happy or not. The rest is just commitment to the idea.”

As I said before, happily ever after existed only in once upon a time. But if you actually make the decision to NOT take them for granted, then your once upon a time would definitely come someday. And in turn, your happily ever after.

May you be happy. Here and now, there and forever after.

April 17, 2012

Why I will never have kids. Probably.

Once upon a time, I had a crush. And once upon a time as well I talked to her about my paranoia. About not wanting to have a kid. About not wanting to have a “burden” that will wake me up every two hours in the middle of the night just because he wets his bed. About not being able to spend my vacation around the world because bringing a kid on a plane trip around the world doesn't seem much fun.

And then, all of a sudden, I lost contact with her. Bam. Just like that. She ignored everything I sent: from text messages, BBMs, to Skype messages. She was probably scared after seeing my protruding belly and all the new pants I had to buy because I was getting fatter by the minute. Or probably she wasn't really into me. Or maybe she was just scared to have a serious relationship with someone who didn't want to have kids. I sure hope it was the latter because I don't really like exercising. That's beside the point. Anyway.

Why is our society so reluctant about the very idea of not having kids? Tell someone that you don't want to have kids, and they shun you. Tell someone that you don't want to have kids, and they will think you're out of your mind. Tell someone that you don't want to have kids, and they will act as if you just told them you are worshipping Satan. Why?

Here are several good reasons why I don't want to have kids, and why you should not either (there is some math in here. As a Math major, I figured out that the best way to get someone to believe you is by confusing them using numbers).
  1. Kids are annoying. As heck.

    If I have to pick something as a comparison to how annoying they are, I would say they are the physical embodiment of nails on a chalkboard. At least if someone is scraping a chalkboard with their nails, you can slap them so they stop doing it. If it's your own children being annoying... Well, it's not like you can't slap them.

  2. Raising kids is costly fucking expensive.

    On my last spring break, I went to Florida and went to Universal Studios. There was this Harry Potter Theme Park called "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" I know 'wizarding' is not a word, but whatever.

    Of course, they have Hogwarts there, duh.

    And the ever-so-famous Butterbeer.
    Andd... A picture of me drinking Butterbeer. Not important. Anyway.

    This is what I really want to show you. A Gryffindor sweater. For eighty-fucking-five bucks.

    I was actually really interested at the sweater, until I flipped the price tag. At which point I put the sweater down and went to look at chocolate frog instead. Then four kids came and grabbed the sweater and they were all like "mom, can we buy this?" with their puppy eyes. And yeah, their mom came and bought each one of them a sweater. So in a span of three minutes, their mom spent $360 with taxes. Oh God. I could have bought a year-worth of Dr. Pepper with that much money.

    I shit you not. Seriously. Apparently it costs as much as $475,680 to raise a child to age 18. And an additional $127,683 to send your kid to a median-priced university. For those of you who think I magically summon these figures, here.

  3. Tougher competition for them.

    I actually started thinking about this ever since I read The Hunger Games trilogy where the protagonist Katniss Everdeen refused to have kids because she was scared that her kids are going to be picked for the Hunger Games just like her sister was (I think this was on book two).

    Okay. Comparing our world with The Hunger Games world probably doesn't make sense to you, but at least it does to me. I'm graduating this semester. And if you are still in high school or in college and you don't know how hard is it to get a decent job, trust me, it's hard. Like, really hard. While in The Hunger Games world your kid would only have 0.1% chance to get picked as a tribute to kill each other, in the real world your kid has 100% chance to enter the "game." I mean, it's hard enough for a recent graduate to get a job now. I wonder how hard it will be like 25 years from now.

    A rough idea: current world population is 7,035,028,771 (and probably is now 7,035,028,860 by the time I finish typing this sentence). And it is estimated that the world is currently growing at a rate of around 1.1% per year. Which means that by 2040 the population will reach 8.8 billion people (already counting the mortality rate).
But of course, it's your genital and you have complete control over it. Please don't let a blog stop you from overpopulating the world.

April 15, 2012

Stupid and Contagious

I just finished reading 'Stupid and Contagious'. On a Saturday night. Okay. So I'm a 20 year old guy reading a romance novel on a Saturday night instead of drinking and partying somewhere else. Please don't make me feel any worse than I currently do.


So yeah. I finished the book and I had to say it was good. I was actually prepared to be disappointed. I mean, of course we already knew the lead female character is going to end up with the lead male character. But although I know how the story is going to develop, it turns out to be way better than I imagined it would be. WAYYY better.

Directly ctrl+c ctrl+v-ed from 'http://www.capricecrane.com/books':
Twenty-six-year-old Heaven Albright is a failed PR executive turned embittered waitress. Twenty-nine-year-old Brady Gilbert is a struggling independent music producer with no bands and a get-rich quick product idea: “Cinnamilk”–a delicious beverage derived from leaving cereal in the bowl too long. What do these two people have in common?
That's what Caprice Crane -- the author -- wrote, and honestly I think it's a bit too vague for a summary. So here is my version of a summary. Of course, a bit of spoiler ensues.
Heaven Albright is a 26 year old woman who just got fired and on to maintain her living, she opts to be a waitress. Brady Gilbert is a 29 year old failed music producer with no band who has a crazy ex. Like, really crazy. His ex kicks him out of his apartment and in his quest to find another place to live, he winds up to be Heaven's next-door neighbor. At first they hate each other, but as the story develops...
When I first read the novel and saw the name, I was like, "Heaven? Really? Can't you be any cheesier than this?" and then an hour later I fell for Heaven. I fell for her hard. I know she is fictional and all, and I feel really pathetic for falling for a novel character (trust me, I really do). But I did anyway. Several reasons why I like her: Heaven is funny, she is smart, she likes rock music (I'll overlook the fact that she has a dog instead of a cat), and her name is Heaven.

Ahem. Sorry for trailing off. The first one-third of the book is somewhat tedious and boring (and to some lesser extent, cheesy). So if you decide to read it, please give Caprice Crane a chance and read more than the first one-third of the book, I promise you will get hooked in no time.

The novel is written in both Heaven's and Brady's point of view. And I enjoyed it a lot. I get to know how both of them react and feel in the same situation. It's definitely what makes it different than the other romance novels.

Although I said that this is a romance novel, I think it's really more of a comedy novel than a romance novel.
“Yesterday I had a woman ask me what kind of salad dressings we have. I told her we have sesame soy dressing, spicy lime vinaigrette, and blue cheese. She made a face and asked, 'Is that all?' 'Yes,' I told her, 'those are all of our dressings.' 'Don't you have any other dressings?' she says. I mean, what the hell? What does she think? That I'm holding out? I was tempted to say, "No, we actually have an entirely different assortment of dressings that I don't tell people about the first time they ask, because they don't deserve these great secret dressings. But now that you have proven your worth, I will show you to the VIP room, where the array of salad dressings will dazzle and delight you.” - Heaven Albright as a waitress.
Or even:
“Love is pretty much a decision anyway. Just like happiness. You can decide to either love someone or not, be happy or not. The rest is just commitment to the idea.” - Heaven Albright
There are a LOT of music reference in there. Like, Kurt Cobain from Nirvana and other famous people that are not famous enough to be known by an ignorant person like me. Oh, and as a side note, I'm pretty sure the book title came from the song 'smells like teen spirit' by Nirvana. Not that anyone cares.

If you like reading and are looking for something light and have nothing against romance/comedy, this book is definitely for you.

April 13, 2012

Dear Mom,

Attention. The above woman is not my mom.

Dear Mom,

How are you doing? It's been so long since I last met you. I miss you. I really do. I might not show it by looking for you 24/7, but today I miss you a little bit more than I did yesterday, and a bit less than I will tomorrow.

Being away from you sucks. Big time. I miss your cooking, I miss your hugs, I miss your kisses (on the cheek. I don't have oedipus complex, mind you), – and as corny as this might sound – I miss everything about you.

I remember a time when I shunned you. I don't know who started it, I think it's because we wanted to look more mature than we actually were. But in grade school, if you are a guy, being seen with your mom simply wasn't cool. Looking back, I think it's really dumb. You carried me for nine months (or ten months? Sorry mom, I'm not that smart in Biology), and I replied by feeling embarrassed every time I was seen holding your hands. What a good son I was.

Now that I'm so far from you, I can't even find the right words to tell you how I feel about you. Which is why I'm writing this right now. Because some feelings are too heavy for words, and some words too thick for air.

Dear mom, you're amazing and I love you so much.

P.S. If you're reading this and your mom is nearby, just stop reading for a second and hug her (if she's not nearby, just cyber hug her). Tell her how much of a jerk you had been in your life. Tell her how much you love her, and how you will always do. Please tell her how amazing she is.

April 12, 2012

Friends with benefits

P.S.: It's been so long since I last posted something on my blog. My excuse is because I have been trying to write a short murder story in the past 4 days -- of which I failed miserably -- and now I feel bad if I don't post something on my blog. So yeah. Here you go.

Call it friends with benefits, call it no strings attached, call it -- ahem -- fuck buddies, call it booty call. In fact, call it anything you want. 

So what does 'friends with benefits' actually mean? To put it simply: it's two friends who have a physical relationship without being emotionally attached. Basically it is two friends who have no emotional attachment to each other do -- ahem -- activities that are socially acceptable only if they are in a relationship.

Please don't do this. Sure if you're a guy, friends with benefits is like the best 'relationship' you could ask for in a girl you're not interested in (don't look at me like that, I'm a normal guy). I mean, really, who doesn't want physical contacts with no strings attached? It's like buying a house without having to pay mortgage. If you know what I mean. Anyway, going back to what I was saying before. As awesome as 'having sex with your friends whenever you want' might sound, please don't do it. 

1. You will fall for her. Or she for you. Inevitably.

Have you ever seen the movie 'Friends With Benefits'? Or 'No Strings Attached'? No? Those are two different movies with EXTREMELY similar plots. Well, in a sentence here is a summary about those two movies: 
A guy and girl try to keep their relationship strictly physical, but it's not long before they learn that they want something more.
And the way those movies end? It always ends up with one person getting emotionally attached to the other. Bingo. With someone gets emotionally attached to the other person, it's no longer 'friends with benefits'. With someone gets emotionally attached to the other person, someone is bound to be hurt. Trust me, once you're in 'friends with benefits' status, it's hard to be her boyfriend (or his girlfriend, if you're a girl).

2. If it fails, you lose a friend.

Raj from Big Bang Theory once said something like this: 

Goddammit, Raj. What do you know? You can't even talk to women.

Sorry for bursting your bubbles, but yeah. You can. You can ruin a friendship with sex. That's like trying to ruin spaghetti with chocolate sprinkles. I like spaghetti and I like chocolate sprinkles. But that doesn't mean I like spaghetti with chocolate sprinkles. You get what I mean, right? Right? Right.

So you meet this girl. She is cute and all. She is funny and all. But there is something about her that makes you not want to commit to her. Being a guy that you are, of course you want to get physical to her. So you decide to be her 'friends with benefits'. And when you fuck up your relationship with her (both literally and figuratively), you don't really have the option to back out and be just friends with her. Your only option is just losing her. 

You can buy sex (it's not that expensive. Not that I have paid for sex or anything), but you can't buy friendship.

3. Think of the girl, really.

Let's imagine you have a girlfriend. And then being an amazing detective that you are, you find out that your girlfriend once was someone else's 'friends with benefits'. How would you feel? I don't know how you would feel, but if it were me, I would feel cheated. I would think of her as cheap (even if I have been in 'friends with benefits' with someone else before. That's how humans think, no?).

You must be getting prouder the more girls you have slept with. But she gets more ashamed the more boys she has slept with (unless of course, she is a whore who needs a spreadsheet to keep note of whom she has slept with).

April 4, 2012

An insomniac's rant

So yeah. It was 5 in the morning and I had trouble sleeping. In the one hour I spent rolling around my bed trying to sleep, I remembered my winter break in Indonesia back in December.

We -- I and my cousins -- were walking around the mall when we saw a fortune teller in a red tent. Yeah. A fortune teller in a tent in a mall. It seemed super legit. Anyway.

Out of curiosity, I walked in and found a dark-skinned chinese guy. He was wearing a red shirt and red pants. Basically, everything inside the tent was red. Well, apart from his skin, but who cares.

So we walked in and this chinese guy was like 'oh sweet, customers'. I sat across him and asked how much would it cost me to get my fortune told.

"50,000 (It's Rupiah, so it's pretty much like $5)." He said.

"Let me know if I can get my fortune told for 10,000." I stood up from the chair.

"Hai-yaa.. Okay la."

He pulled out a deck of cards. It was tarot. Or at least that's what he said. The cards were real shady. Really. They were more like a laminated paper with drawing on them.

He shuffled the cards and told me to write my name and birthday on a sheet of paper. Then he told me to ask questions. Any questions.

Of course, being a guy and whatnot, I asked whether or not I would get married.

The shady chinese guy pulled out a card. "Yes." He said.


He pulled out another card. "23 or 24."

I was 20 at that time and I didn't even have any crush at that time. I silently wondered maybe my wife was going to be a fictional one.

"I'm actually a student at USA. Will I be able to get a job when I graduate?"

The card he pulled out was a ladder, broken at the second rung. "Not immediately. But after two-three years, you will be able to."

Then my cousins started spouting off questions. Like, random ones.

"What is his wife's name? Eh? You don't know? What about first initial?"

And the questions went on.

Anyway. The one thing that kept me awake was his answer to whether or not I would be able to get a job when I graduate. 

"Not immediately. But after two-three years."

I'm graduating in a month and I'm really supposed to be looking for a job instead of writing this. Oh God. Now I don't even know why I wrote this at the first place. Whatever.

Happy one month birthday!

I know it sounds cheesy. It's just a month, why bother writing about it?

If you don't really know me, I'm really the type of person who get bored easily. Like, super easily (apart from video games, of course). During the past month, I wrote 17 posts. So yeah. To you, it might mean a simple month. To me, it means a month where I constantly wrote without getting bored.

I know most of you care more about what you would have for dinner than this, so I won't bother posting this on my Twitter/Facebook, I wrote this just to wish my blog a happy one month birthday!

April 2, 2012

Why we all should start drinking

No, really. This is not sarcastic in any way.

We should all start drinking. And by drinking, of course I mean drinking alcohol, not water. Duh.

And since I'm a science person, (ha. Yeah right.) let's start by the scientific stuff. 

1. Alcohol is like, pure calorie energy.

Recalling our elementary school Biology class, protein and carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, while fat contains 9 calories per gram. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.

Put in simpler term, a shot of your standard vodka has 109 calories, while a shot of soda is 21.5 calories. (If my math doesn't fail me...)

I shit you not, drinking alcohol is like one of the best ways to get energy. Huh? You will get fat? Who cares about being fat if you can get more energy?

2. Drinking is cool.

No, really. Drinking is cool. I really want to start drinking with other people, but I just don't have the courage to be as cool as them.

I mean, having to pay $5 for a 45 milliliters drink is totally cool. Not to mention chilling in a dark place where you have to shout so your friend who is just half a meter away from you can hear you is cool too. 

3. Hangover is one of the best thing that you could have on a Saturday. Or a Sunday.

I mean, how many of us want to sleep in until one in the afternoon? If you ignore the fact that you throw up every now and then and the fact that you are feeling horribly miserable, hangover is a legit reason to sleep in until one in the afternoon. 

*note: you can do it anyway without drinking (like, sleeping until one because you spent the whole night playing games), it's just that your friends would think that you are lazy and you have no life.

4. You can get high and hit on girls without feeling guilty

There is this legit chance that the girl of your life is there at the bar. Just waiting for you to hit on her. Or maybe waiting for ANYone else to hit on her. Who knows.

April 1, 2012

A not so short story

Oh God. After three days of writing and re-writing. And re-writing. And revising. My "short" story is finally done. One of the trademark in my writing is my sarcasm (which, if you haven't figured out, can't really be put inside a romance story) so I really had LOTS of "fun" writing this story.

This is a short story I wrote for my English class. It's due tomorrow. I know that it's not really that short, so don't read it unless you guys really have nothing better to do. Anyway, if you decide to read it, it will mean A LOT to me if you guys take the time to leave me some feed back. I hope you guys find this story interesting! Anyway.

Once Upon an Us
Her day 30
I plant a kiss on him. Kisses, actually. One on his forehead, one on his right cheek. Another quickly follows on his lips. This is the point where – if he were his usual self – he would pull back gasping for air, giggle and pull me back in for more kisses. Instead, he just looks away and pulls his blanket up to where his legs are supposed to be.

“I knew something was wrong with me, but I didn't know what exactly," he whimpers. "I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you about this. I should have told you,” he indistinctly murmurs.

"It's okay. I will always be here when you need me," I say. I know I wouldn't always be 'here', but I feel like I need to say something to comfort him. Anything. And that was the first thing that came to my mind.

“Always is a long time, isn't it?” his smile lights up as he replies, “Don't you mean until the day I die?”

“But you told me you would never die. No, more than that,” I say as I look deep into his eyes, “You promised me we would never die.”

"You silly," his voice has a somewhat playful tone in it, "I will never die."

His day 29
I woke up today and my legs were heavy. The last thing I wanted to do was walk around the mall waiting for someone to finish their shopping. But I already promised Chiara that we were going shopping today. So I pulled myself together and went to the mall.

She ran around and I walked slowly. There were a lot of people around us, and I silently wondered how we looked like in their eyes. Do we look like brother and sister? Do we look like friends? Her pace became faster and I could feel mine became slower. I probably should ask her to walk more slowly, but I didn't want to look weak. So I shut up and kept walking.

His day 29
“Catch me if you can!” I shout as I run through the never-ending mall hall, challenging him to a game of tag.

He smiles and walks to me slowly, really. He is so slow that I manage to circle around the hall and catch him from behind.

I pat him on his back softly, “You okay? You're kinda... slow,” I fold my hands behind my back and lean forward as I look up to his face from under.

“Yeah,” he replies, his breath heavy, “I'm just fine.”

Had I paid more attention to him, I would have noticed that his legs were wobbly. But I don't. So I just give him an “okay.” as I turn around and resume walking.

The next sound I hear is a thud, quickly followed by a scream of an unfamiliar old lady. I turn around to catch a glimpse of Ryan lying on a cold marble-tiled floor. I stand there frozen as the old lady pulls out her cellphone and calls 911.

Later in the hospital, the doctors tell me that his legs have to be amputated. 'Diabetes complication,' they say. I find myself standing there frozen, again, realizing that I can't do anything for him.

His day 23
Today I held her hands for the very first time. I was expecting her to break free from my grip, but she didn't. Instead, she moved closer to me. Somewhere along this line, we realized we fell into something more than friendship; more than me simply knowing her name was Chiara, and her knowing my name was Ryan.

"Let's go somewhere," I said, keeping my hands around hers, "Just you and me."

"Where to?" She said.

"Anywhere you want."

"Let's go to the mall then? There is this dress I wanted to buy since forever."

"Sure," I smiled and held her hand more firmly. "Next Saturday?"

"That works."

Her day 23
I almost don't realize it when he entangles his fingers around mine. I think I'm supposed to break free when someone I know little about holds my hand. But to my surprise, I don't find it annoying at all. So I let it be.

“Remember the book I was reading when we first met at the park?”

He nods.

“Well, that was actually the first book of the trilogy. And I'm reading the third one. The younger sister died in the third book! Can you believe it?”

He nods. Again. I get the feeling that he is not really interested in books. We keep walking for quite some time. “People die, Chiara,” he says, his voice heavier than ever, “And there's nothing we can do about it.”

“I know. But,” Before I know it, I stop walking. “But. I don't want to die. I don't want you to die. I don't want us to die,” I don't know where all this is coming from. Probably I regard Ryan more as my older brother than whatever he is to me now.

At this point, he stops as well, smiles, and pats me on my head, “You dummy. I'm not going to die. And neither are you.”

I know that's a lie. But it's a good enough answer. I guess any answer is good enough when you question life, really.

His day 20
Chiara sat next to me with her eyes closed, “Sing to me.”

“I don't sing,” I looked into the distance then said with a wide grin, “Last time I sang, people threw coins at me begging me to stop.”

“Then,” she giggled, her eyes now wide open with what seemed to be curiosity, “What do you do?”
I picked up an empty can sitting next to me, stood up and started juggling it with my thigh. And finally kicking it with the inside of my right foot into the trash can five feet away from me. I looked back at her with a satisfied smile.

Her day 20
“Soccer?” I find my eyes madly fixated to his crooked smile.

“Used to,” his smile now gone, replaced by a smile that doesn't look anything but tired.

“Used to?” I ask nonchalantly, expecting to get an answer. Instead I just get a sigh and that crooked smile of his again.

“Talk to me,” I beg to him. I didn't mean my voice to sound so desperate, but it did.

“We are talking,” He murmurs as he closes his eyes. I want to know more about him. I really do.

His day 15
Today we decided to meet in the park where we first met. Unlike our first meeting, there were a lot of kids playing in the park today. Chiara and I were talking while sitting on the grass when a kid approached us.

"Hey, hey!" the kid's blonde hair waved around as she jumped up and down. "Are you two... dating?"

I glimpsed at Chiara and saw her cheeks became red. This is awkward, I thought. But Chiara didn't seem like she was about to answer the kid, and I felt bad for not answering.

"Not yet," I answered with a grin as I looked back to Chiara, hoping that it was the correct answer.

The kid became all giddy-like and ran away. Apparently, my answer wasn't wrong.

"You could just tell her that we are..." she whispered, her face was redder than ever and her voice small.

"Huh? What was that?" I cupped my hand over my ear. I actually heard her just fine, but I felt the ned to tease her. 

"You jerk!" She laughed and screamed as she hit my arm over and over again as I fell and laid down on the grass field.

Her day 15
"You know," I say as I lay down next to him in a grass field. "You look a lot like my brother."

"Older brother?" he props himself on one elbow as he looks to me. "How so?"

"Well," I sit up straight and squint my eyes, trying hard to remember how he actually looked like, "For starters, he also played soccer. He had the same brown eyes as you do. And black hair. And the way he dressed, too."

"Why the past tense?" his voice now has a hint of curiosity in it.

"Yeah," I look down and close my eyes, "It was five years ago."

It was five years ago when I was still in sixth grade. I was practicing Beethoven's 5th Symphony on my piano when mom came in and cried. I asked her what's wrong but she just wept and wept. And when I thought she was done crying, she cried a little bit more. After what seemed like three hours of crying, she finally calmed down and told me that Jack had an accident. And this time it was my turn to cry. I cried and cried, the next thing I knew was they had to put make up on me during Jack's funeral to hide my puffy eyes. I actually remember everything as if he died yesterday, but some memories are too painful to recall. And this is definitely one of those memories. 

"Sorry," I shake my head. "It's been so long I kinda forget how it goes." If he doesn't believe me, he does a good job hiding it.

"I know," he says and simply sits idly next to me.

His day 12
Today I met her again. This time in the street. I silently wondered how much God must have loved me since He randomly met me with Chiara. Okay, the one in the bookstore may not be so “randomly”, if you know what I mean. Anyway.

She was far ahead of me. Probably a good twenty feet away from me. I ran for a bit, but my legs weren't really in the best shape, so I decided to walk quickly instead. “Hello again,” I said as I overtook her.

“Hello,” she said with a smile. I noticed her hands were full with plastic bags filled with books. “We run into each other an awful lot, don't we?”

“We do. Must be fate,” I extended my hand forward, showing her that I didn't mind carrying some of her plastic bags.

She shook her head, “Or maybe you're just an awfully skilled stalker.”

“Maybe,” for a minute we simply walked side by side, “Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?”

“I don't drink coffee,” she replied without excitement, “But tea, sure.”


Her day 12
I don't know why I even suggested (well, not really. But it was implied) us to get a cup of tea. A part of me is probably just bored, the other part of me might be interested in him. Interested in this boy whose crooked smile has been nagging on my mind for the past couple days. Interested in this boy sitting in front of me who likes his tea extra sweet. Like. EXTRA sweet.

At first he tears a sachet of sugar. Then two. Then three. And before I know it, he already tears eight of them and starts stirring his tea with a silver spoon.

“One of these days,” I say as I take a sip of my unsweetened chamomile tea, “You will get diabetes.”

He smiles and shoves his tea aside without drinking it.

"Why did you order tea if you didn't want to drink it?" I ask out of curiosity.

He just laughs.

Her day 5
It's Sunday and the weather is finally getting warmer. I'm finally done with the book I bought last week, so I decided to get another one.

As I read the book the shopkeeper told me to, I see someone approaching me in my peripheral vision. I look up to see the boy who talked to me a few days ago. He wears a black t-shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans.

“Hello there,” there he went again with his hello and his crooked smile. Just like when we first met in the park.

“Hello,” I say as I look back down to the book I'm reading, trying to not look interested at all.

“So,” he says, pulling a book out of the bookshelf he's leaning against. “We meet again,” He says, I can tell he is trying his best to impersonate Goldfinger from the old James Bond movie.

I stay silent – hardly able to hold back my smile – while he just leans there wordlessly.

Finally, when I've had enough, “Look,” I briefly pause, trying to make the next sentence coming out of my lips heavier, or maybe I'm just trying to sound irritated. “I don't even know your name.”

“Ryan,” his voice bubbly, he flips through the book he took out of the bookshelf earlier, “what's yours?”

There is something in his voice and in his looks that make me believe that he is serious. Serious about what, I don't really know. And as much as I hate to believe, I find myself muttering my own name, “Chiara.”

He closes the book with a snap. “See? We're already getting to know each other pretty well here,” there he goes again with his crooked smile.

His day 1
The air was still cold but it was definitely getting warmer. A quick look at my iPhone showed that it was 65 degrees. Not exactly the warmest day, but it showed that spring was coming.

While the weather outside was cold, the weather inside the bus sure was not. In fact, it was more warm than cold despite the air conditioner being on. Thanks to this, I started to feel my eyes growing heavy.

I woke up abruptly only to find that I had missed my stop by three minutes. Ugh. I pulled the signal rope and made a quick reminder to never fall asleep in a bus again. No matter how warm it was inside.

The bus stopped shortly after in a neighborhood I was familiar enough to know there was a park around the corner, but not enough to know where I was exactly. I opened my mental map of neighborhood and deducted that going through the park was a shortcut to my house. So I went inside.

The park was empty, really. You would expect a lot of kids playing around the park at this time of the day, but the only person in the park was this girl, sitting calmly on a bench in the center of the park. 

Despite her sitting on the bench, I could see that she was petitely short. Her dark hair contrasting her white dress hung loosely down her back. Her head was slightly slumping forward.

As I walked closer, I saw a book on her lap. She tucked some of her hair behind her right ear. I found myself walking closer. Again.

I stood frozen around two feet away from her, somewhat surprised that she didn't realize I was here. Or simply didn't care. I thought the latter was more probable. She was way cuter up close than from she was from afar. It took me around a minute to gather up the courage to clear my throat and open my mouth.

“Hello,” I said.

The petite girl looked up to me– her hair she tucked earlier fell back off – and smiled at me. Her dimples appeared out of nowhere. Now that I looked back, I think they were more potholes than they were dimples; they made me fall.

“I think I'm falling for you,” I said out of nowhere.

Her cheeks reddened, “I don't know you.”


Writing is fun!

I have to write a 6-pages short story and it's due in two days. Also, I have exam on the same day my story is due. So yeah. This is just going to be another rant. Really.

And everything I write from here on will be the truth.

I'm a girl.

Writing a story is fun.

Writing a story is not frustrating.

You don't have to think about what to write next.

Just write about what you want to write, and everything will fall to their places by themselves.

Thinking about your characters too deeply is redundant.

You don't have to worry about your story being unrealistic.

You don't have to double check the grammar in your story.

You don't have to make the story interesting for your readers.

It takes you less than a day to write a two-pages worth of story.

It doesn't hurt when you think of something by yourself, google it, and find out that a similar story is written.

It's easy to make your readers interested only using text.

It's easy to write in your second language, or in my case, English.

People like to give their feedback so I could improve my writing.

People don't tease me when I write something on my blog.

I'm really not supposed to be writing my short story now.

I really don't need to start studying for my exam.