April 2, 2012

Why we all should start drinking

No, really. This is not sarcastic in any way.

We should all start drinking. And by drinking, of course I mean drinking alcohol, not water. Duh.

And since I'm a science person, (ha. Yeah right.) let's start by the scientific stuff. 

1. Alcohol is like, pure calorie energy.

Recalling our elementary school Biology class, protein and carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, while fat contains 9 calories per gram. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.

Put in simpler term, a shot of your standard vodka has 109 calories, while a shot of soda is 21.5 calories. (If my math doesn't fail me...)

I shit you not, drinking alcohol is like one of the best ways to get energy. Huh? You will get fat? Who cares about being fat if you can get more energy?

2. Drinking is cool.

No, really. Drinking is cool. I really want to start drinking with other people, but I just don't have the courage to be as cool as them.

I mean, having to pay $5 for a 45 milliliters drink is totally cool. Not to mention chilling in a dark place where you have to shout so your friend who is just half a meter away from you can hear you is cool too. 

3. Hangover is one of the best thing that you could have on a Saturday. Or a Sunday.

I mean, how many of us want to sleep in until one in the afternoon? If you ignore the fact that you throw up every now and then and the fact that you are feeling horribly miserable, hangover is a legit reason to sleep in until one in the afternoon. 

*note: you can do it anyway without drinking (like, sleeping until one because you spent the whole night playing games), it's just that your friends would think that you are lazy and you have no life.

4. You can get high and hit on girls without feeling guilty

There is this legit chance that the girl of your life is there at the bar. Just waiting for you to hit on her. Or maybe waiting for ANYone else to hit on her. Who knows.


  1. Hahahhahhaha! Well-written kent!

  2. I've started reading your blog backward from the latest update up until this post. It's interesting to see things from your perspective. And the one sentence I can say: Damn I loves your blog :D
    Keep on writing Kentut.


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