March 5, 2012

hurr durr!

Hi everyone!

My name is kent, and I'll be your host for this blog. I like to think of my blog as my room. Now, if you do know me IRL, you might know that I'm kinda reluctant to letting people into my room, since it's as messy as Lady Gaga's dress. Which is why I never thought of writing a blog until now. So the fact that you're reading this is actually a big step towards our relationship. I think of you readers as my lover who I let into my room (sounds corny, but whatever).

I write a lot, but it takes a lot of courage to publish a writing (almost as much as it takes to start cracking an egg to make dinner). So here I sit writing this post hoping I will be able to have enough courage to post frequently. Boom.

That being said, welcome to my blog!

1 comment:

Your feedbacks keep me writing. Literally. I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts!