March 16, 2012

Spring break: part 1

Dear you,

(It's gonna be a not-so-interesting rant. So just read this post if you have absolutely nothing to do. Like if you're maybe in class. You have been warned.)

If you read my previous blog post about spring break, you would know that I was planning to go to Florida with some friends. We finished all our classes on Friday by 5 PM and we reached the airport at 6:30 PM. We spent most of our time talking and before we knew it, it was 7 PM (the flight took off at 7.30 PM). I had no idea who started saying that we should eat, but we did anyway. I was not really hungry so I went to Starbucks and got myself a venti sweet iced coffee (with a lot of extra sugar!). The rest of my friends were eating broken yolk sandwich or something like that.

By the time someone (I hate to say this, but out of all people it was Irvandy) was actually 'sober' enough to check the time, it was 7:15 PM (or 7:20, I'm getting old, can't remember stuff). And Marilyn wasn't even done with her sandwich. So we kinda roused her up and went to the boarding gate. After what seemed like an eternity of security checking and baggage screening, it was 7:29 (phew!) when we reached the boarding gate.

Orvin was the first person to reach the surprisingly empty (!) gate and talked to the boarding pass lady (you know, the person who you show your boarding pass to and hope that she will let you go inside the plane), and the rest of us were still like a good 30 meter behind (~100 feet, if you are an American who thinks meter is a pokemon). One look at the boarding pass lady and I could hear Jesse's voice from Team Rocket's theme song.

Prepare for trouble!


That's it. I officially missed 2 flights in four months. Actually, missing a flight helps fight your high self-esteem. So when you're having that day when you just feel like you're smarter than everyone else around you, book a flight and miss it.

I looked at my watch. 1935. DAMN YOU AIRTRAN, Y U NO WAIT?

Tiffani was the one talking to the boarding pass lady to make an arrangement. I was huffing and panting after all that running to the gate (the distance wasn't really THAT far; but if you know me, you should know that I have the stamina of a giraffe). After a large amount of huffing and panting, Tiffani finally came back and said that the flight wouldn't be up until 08:00 AM. Which was, um, 12 hours away from now.

James' voice kinda barged in.

And make it double!

Now that the reality that we had to wait for 12 hours finally sank in, I looked around and saw that there was another group being left. A family. A family of four; a dad, a mom, and 2 daughters. With both the daughters crying. It was actually quite contrast to our group where we were like blaming each other and laughing (for the record, I blamed Marilyn since she was eating like a slowpoke. And deep down inside, I also blamed Irvandy for not checking the time earlier). But yeah, we were laughing, they were crying. So we kinda felt bad for laughing and stopped. We just sat down and chatted. Marilyn took the broken yolk sandwich she was eating before and started eating again. I swore I could play a game of dota and be done before she finished her sandwich. What a slowpoke (oh God, I hope she doesn't read this blog. Marilyn, if you're reading this blog, I'm just kidding! You know I love you :D).

12 hours. Wow. 720 minutes. Or 45200 seconds. We sure had a lot of time to kill. So we decided to play card games. A deck of lame cards cost $5 at the airport (what a ripoff!), but it's not like we have any choice, so we bought it anyway. We played Mafia, we played pigs, and we played old maid. By the time we were done with cards, it was 10:00 PM. Oh, my God. Still 10 hours to kill.

It was then when we realized that we had the place to ourselves. An airport to ourselves. The shops were closed and the lobby empty. The only breathing people were either us or the occasional janitor mopping the floor. So we decided to play hide and seek (I know it sounds kinda lame, but how many of you have ever played hide and seek in a fucking airport?). Before we knew it, we were already dead tired (well, mostly I was getting dead tired, but for the sake of my pride, I would say that we were tired). 

I wrote this post when I was waiting for the flight. Sigh. I would post this post as soon as I get internet connection. 


  1. hehe aku ga di masukin jadi character lho
    jadi figuran

    1. wehehe rilek te. ada waktu untuk semuanya. kon pas2an soro soale ng kene wehehe


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